In 2021, After devastating bushfires, floods and a global pandemic a group of like-minded leading regional architects from across New South Wales saw opportunity and a need to mobilise other architects to form a new, member driven organisation with a focus on, and concern for, positive change in the most important area of future urban growth in Australia, the regions.
The Regional Architects Association supports regional architectural practitioners to jointly strengthen the practice of architecture, and advocates for better understanding of the value and benefits of architecture, within local communities.
RAA co-Founder and Director of Takt, Katharina Hendel says “The challenges for regional architects are very different and the collegiate support experienced in cities is often not there. Being able to share our experiences and knowledge is extremely important, especially for the new generation of architects who are moving to these areas”.
The RAA’s inaugural conference will give voice to regional architects in a bid to properly shape the association. Open to architects from across the country, the conference will present a speaker series and hold site visits to various regional spots. Pressing issues such as disaster recovery, pandemic tourism, economic gridlock and housing are addressed, with the RAA intent on delivering solutions.
Annual memberships are available to architects and graduates with a variety of benefits and programs on offer including seminars, technical clinics, free online CPD and virtual networking.
The RAA is a not for profit organisation that relies on additional support from corporate partners and sponsors, not just as sources of income but as sources of technical knowledge and design possibility.
Safetyline Jalousie is delighted to join the RAA family as a Technical Founding member. By sharing experiences, discussing issues and working together with other suppliers, legislators, media and public we hope that collectively, we can create a better outcome for regional communities.
Memberships are now open to become a part of the RAA. For further information, visit: