A recent survey from Australian Made and Roy Morgan has identified a significant change in consumer behaviour towards Australian made products. Consumers are ‘voting with their feet’, marching towards Australian-made products following the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The preference for Australian-manufactured products was already high before the pandemic with Roy Morgan research in January finding 88% of Australians were more likely to buy products made in Australia. Since the initial covid lockdowns, more than half of Australians (52%) say they have an even higher preference for Australian-made products than pre-covid times.
The research findings are a win-win for consumers and the Australian economy alike. This increase in support for locally made goods comes at an opportune time for Australian manufacturing.
As a nation, we’ve come to realise we can look towards Australian manufacturers to provide the same, if not higher quality products to the local market.
The “Buy Local” Revolution
Since the world went into lockdown, countless establishments have had no choice but to scale down or shut down. We’ve seen unemployment levels soar, and as a result, Australians are more committed than ever to contribute to reigniting the economy to survive the pandemic.
Consequently, the “buy local” campaign has become more amplified than ever in Australia. Consumers are making positive lifestyle changes to offset the impact of the pandemic. One significant shift in this area has been towards local products and services to help support the local economy. Where possible, Australians are making a more conscious effort to source local food, produce, gadgets, home appliances and more.
Research is showing, the “buy local” mindset is here to stay for Australian businesses. From food production, clothing, to industrial construction, there is a renewed interest in supporting Australian-made products and Australian manufacturers.
This switch is wholly in support of jumpstarting the economy, Australian innovation, and protecting Australian companies from closing up shop.
The Australian Made Badge
The Australian Made/Roy Morgan research shows the Australian Made logo is a trusted icon with 99% of respondents saying they recognise the logo and 92% said they trust the icon.
Consumers say they immediately trust the brand bearing this icon as a seal of approval for both quality and assurance. Australians associate the badge with supporting local employment, safety, ethical labour, and sustainability, among others.
It is worth noting; however, not all Australian made goods bear the official badge. It can be a costly exercise for small businesses to apply for the official stamp, and there are many businesses producing quality made Australian products without it. Because of this, its good practice to do your research beyond the green kangaroo.
According to the survey, Australians prefer Australian-made products in terms of agricultural and gardening equipment, products for children, and building and renovation materials. Australian manufacturers of these products are generally trusted and patronised by most people across the country. The photo below shows the percentage of preference for Australian-made products.
Source: Roy Morgan Research | Australian Made